I love new beginnings.
Here is a great opportunity! December 1, 2012. It’s a mental boost! I have attempted blogs in the past, using the blog to chronicle a journey that spent too much time bemoaning the struggles instead of sharing victories. I will take a different approach with this blog by sharing hope and motivation and victory.
Progress does follow that sort of pathway, doesn’t it?
Hope really is the point of beginning. I can see the need to make changes, step it up, and move forward, but as long as I am focused on the past failures, progress is difficult. I’m pretty good at maintaining Hope. Even when I struggle, I tend to keep a good grasp on Hope. But what am I doing about it, really doing about it?
Once I have see some light of hope, motivation is needed. That’s an area that has been lacking for me. I get so wrapped up in the routine of life that I sit in the place of Hope for too long. I somehow feel some sort of “righteousness” in all that I have to do. But I am no different than other people. God has equipped me for the circumstances in which I find myself. I need to take advantage of online resources that are available to motivate.
That’s where I want to come out of this—in Victory!
Thomas Edison
I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.