Sunday, February 22, 2015

It’s Just Chicken Salad

 My husband delights in getting a lot of meals from a whole, cooked chicken from Sam’s. From servings on his plate, to sandwiches for Jo and me, to Tasha, to chicken salad. I have known from the day he bought the chicken that I would need to—and want to—make some chicken salad. But as lazy as I have been over the past couple of months, it took some real determination to get it done.

I am in a constant battle recently with the use of my time. Today, I knew I had to get a load of laundry done, clean up the kitchen, and make the chicken salad. Such small tasks. But it is perhaps that view of their significance that has thrown me off. Because, the truth is, I do know the value of checking things off of my list, of accomplishing these small tasks. So I’m not sure why it becomes such a battle for me.

I get it that laziness does not honor God.
I get it that overeating does not please Him.
I get it that making excuses or putting off tasks for no reason is not the way I should behave.


make chicken salad

Done, done, and done.

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