Saturday, April 11, 2015

New View at Work

I have some challenges at work, which I do not even want to spell out here. Further, after a conversation with a mentor, I felt like I was advised with so little information from me. In fact, it was just bit offputting. However, I thought it over and found some wonderful, clear steps I have chosen to take.

  1. Be confident in the trust that has been placed in me.
  2. Delegate even more to graduate assistants.
  3. For meetings, bring only a few items for discussion.
  4. Think carefully about how many questions to ask, and word them effectively.
  5. Take assignments and run with them.
  6. Understand the position of those in the upline. The immediate supervisor may not always have the answers and may need to check with his supervisor. Thus, questions may be viewed as intrusive and too detailed. Make it easy for the supervisor to respond later, but do not make it obvious that you know he needs to check.
  7. Offer solutions, take care of problems as if I am supposed to do so. Do not doubt my ability to address problems in the correct manner. Do not always ask if the supervisor agrees with the solution you have found.
  8. Get a good understanding of the Outlook files I created, and use them more effectively.
  9. Sort and organize the I-drive for more effective use.
  10. Read the job description again. Find out what the expectations are. Make some notes to see if my tasks line up with the job description.
  11. Communicate with supervisor as coworker, while respecting his supervisory role.
  12. Communicate ownership of my position, while being coached as needed.

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